
Persuasive Speech On Emotional Abuse

Decent Essays

Specific Purpose: To motivate my audience to help out people they know who might suffer from emotional abuse and spread awareness about it.
Central Idea: Helping out a person with emotional abuse can make there day, save their life, and make the world a better place.
As a kid growing up, I was constantly teased for being an outcast, a weirdo, to an extent that I started to believe it myself and this occurring to me at a young age immensely affected my personality.
My topic today is a topic rarely ever brought up, emotional abuse / psychological abuse. There are 3 types of abuse (sexual, physical, and psychological), psychological abuse specifically, has the highest association with depression, and anxiety. So clearly, this …show more content…

Which is why according to the lead author of this study, joseph spinatsola, a TV personality and a well know pediatric, points out that there are no physical wounds linked with emotional abuse, so child protection case workers have a particularly hard time recognizing it. So why aren’t we addressing this issue with the same intensity of more visible kinds of abuse such as verbal abuse? After all as the American academy of pediatrics stated “it is the most challenging and prevalent form of abuse and neglect.”

So how many times have you been called a name? Or publicly humiliated? Or had someone look at you in a nasty way? If your answer is often, you should consider the children who have to deal with this maltreatment in school on daily basis. Maltreatment in this case was identified as either abuse or neglect
So things like bullying. Threats severe insults, isolation, etc.
I have recently become interested in psychology and by reading several books on the subject, I have learned more about the impact name-calling and humiliation has on people ranging from children to adolescent. The US children’s health association has discovered that children who are victims of this kind of maltreatment suffered from anxiety, depression, low self-esteem stress and suicidal tendencies. Helping out a person with emotional abuse can make there day, save their life, and eventually make …show more content…

Possibly dear neighbor, or the woman who walks her dog outside your house. And I'm sure all of you can recall a time you felt so down casted because of rejection. As High School Students, we tend to get caught up in the problem we have at school because she told him that she heard from them that he said to her that she told them that they told what’s his face that you, were stupid .We forget to take the time to offer help others who suffer far more than we have. We are often in too much of a hurry to stop to check on a friend in need. When we are in need of a lending hand, but have no one to turn to for whatever reason, we may become unhappy. It is a known fact that Sadness is contagious. For instance, a manager had a bad day and takes his anger out on a client. That client might go home and yells at his son. The son soon screams at his friend. That is referred to as a chain reaction. But there is a way to break a link in this chain. The smallest effort can stop this chain reaction in its tracks and even reverse it. And every one of you can do

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