
Persuasive Essay On Affordable Care

Decent Essays

One of the most debated topics in politics today is universal healthcare. There has been a lot of debate on how the United States should go about implementing healthcare. Some theorize that the best way to expand the programs we have today, others say that the best way is to give coverage to everyone, and scrap the coverage we have now and have total free market coverage. While all of these have positives that could help citizens, there are also consequences that have the potential to hurt citizens. There is no clear solution to this problem, but with compromise from every side of this issue there may be a way for the United States to give citizens have some type of coverage. Medicare and Medicaid had the most significant impact on coverage for United States citizens until the addition of Obamacare which has created a greater impact than these programs. This act [The Affordable Care Act] gave over twenty million people access to insurance (Center 1). However, this act also took away coverage for thousands of citizens due to the increase of requirements for coverage. This was a step in the right direction for universal healthcare, but the negative effects still hurt thousands of people who actually lost coverage. This has led to arguments in congress about what should be done with this act. There has already been over hundreds of amendments to the Affordable Care Act, but is this the best way to deal with this issue? There are several different ideas presented to give the

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