
Personal Budget Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Day 1: Breakfast =$3, Gas+ $24, Lunch= $8, Pharmacy expenses = $12, Dinner +$10. Total = $67 Day 2: Lunch = $7, Dinner =$8 Total = $15 Day 3: Breakfast =$4, New Shoes =$84, Lunch =$13, Makeup = $15, Magazine =$5, Candy Bar =$2, Dinner =$9, Rented Movie=$5, Popcorn =$2. Total =$139 Day 4: Breakfast =$2, Lottery Ticket =$3, Lunch =$7, Pack of Gum =$1, Table and Chairs = $125, Dinner =$15. Total =$ 153 Day 5: Lunch =$7, Dinner =$9, Gas =$23, Altoids =$2. Total =$41 Day 6: Breakfast =$4, New shirt for boyfriend =$53, New belt for boyfriend =$22, Lunch =$21, Ice Cream =$5, Drinks at bar =$44, Jukebox at bar =$5, Cab ride =$15. Total =$169 Day 7: Brunch =$15, Newspaper =$2, Rented movies =$12, Dinner =$20. Total =$49 Weekly Total = $651 MonthlyBudgeted Expenses: Rent =$900 Utilities =$125 Cable =$100 Phones =$80 Loans =$75 Car Payment =$290 Insurance =$70 Food =$175 Savings $250 per week $11000 in savings account Income After Taxes $825 per week My personal finances are solid and on track with my attitudes towards money and savings. This budget exercise is common practice for me as I keep track of every dollar I spend. I am a saver and I keep track of my savings using a spreadsheet and updating my information almost every day. Budgeting is a necessary step in order to figure out where exactly money is going and how much of it is being allocated to different items. I am very interested in my money, however I am not obsessed with making or saving

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