
Patrick Henry Essay Outline

Decent Essays

Second Virginia Convention, Patrick Henry
“Sir, we have done everything that could be done to avert the storm which is now coming on. We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated…” (Henry).
Historical Content: in 1775 Patrick Henry, a member of the Continental Congress, gave a speech to encourage the Virginia Militia to fight the British. Patrick Henry and his fellow Americans were able to see that a war was inevitable, every effort to declare their independence have been ignored. The Americans have tried numerous times to find a peaceful solution. Many advocates like Henry knew that there was no more waiting, there was no room for hope, the only way to independence was to fight.
Thesis: The battle for freedom has already begun, there is no more waiting in hope, the …show more content…

• The colonist cannot take the stress and bullying from the British anymore. They can here Boston’s cries, the war is inevitable.
Conclusion: Patrick Henry hoped to influence the people to fight for their freedom. Henry was able to see the signs that the American colonies had no chance of independence. Every opportunity that the colonial members took to try to seek independence the King of England either took it as a joke or as a threat. The Colonist waited in hope for over ten years for freedom, Henry was able to see that the only way out of the tyrant King was to fight or die trying to achieve independence.
Thesis Assessment: Although Henry was biased for saying the only way to freedom was fighting, this drive for a fight is crucial to the founding of our nation. Patrick Henry made it clear that fighting is the most effective way to gain their independence. Henry was able to point out the problems that the colonies had while under the rule of the King of England, he knew that sitting around in hope was not going to spark independence for these

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