
P1 Unit 7 Health And Globalization

Satisfactory Essays

PA 1 for unit 7 Health and Globalization
Globalization involves the movement of people, food, goods from one place to another. And in the process of countries integrating, people and goods move from one location to another. In as much as there is positive impact for people, goods and services to move from one country to another. There are chances that the people, goods and service in a county can be infected and taken across the border to another country. In the course of globalization people move from one country to another and they might have contacted diseases or the product that they are carrying across the border. Diseases such as AIDs, tuberculosis, malaria are the top among the list of the disease that is usually carried by people. But just as globalization increases the frequency and ease with which diseases can move around the world, it also can improve access to the medicines, medical information, and training that can help treat or cure these diseases. Drug companies and governments now have the ability to ship drugs to remote parts of the world affected by outbreaks of diseases. There are various options that can be used to lower the spread of global disease. Most countries usually have screening borders to check the people, food and …show more content…

There is need for International Corporation to come together to solve this problem because individual government of countries cannot handle it alone. The World Health organization requires that countries have the food surveillance program to monitor the food borne out borne disease outbreak in every county. The surveillance system uses electronic programmed computer to detect the presence of pathogens and bacterium which are microscopic in nature on items of food that pass across the border of every country. When the pathogen is detected in a food, such food item is banned and seized at port of entry of the

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