
Oxygen Diffusion

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Respiration, too, is essential to human life. In fact we breathe 15-25 times per minute. When you suck air in, you use your diaphragm and intercostal muscles to contract and expand your chest cavity, which shrinks when you exhale. You breathe in air, and it goes through your mouth or nose into or epiglottis. From there, it transfers into your trachea, and then into the vocal cords, which are in the larynx. Next, it travels until it reaches the bronchi, and is then relayed into both of your lungs. Air goes along a path of bronchioles which become smaller and smaller until it arrives at the alveoli. Inside these, oxygen concentration is high, and as a result of this, oxygen diffuses from the alveolar membrane into the pulmonary capillary. When this process begins, hemoglobin located in your erythrocytes is bounded with carbon dioxide, and a minuscule amount of oxygen. Oxygen is then bound to hemoglobin, and carbon dioxide is released. (Freudenrich, 2000)
The troposphere is the lowest layer in the atmosphere, a layer wider than the equator, 5-7 miles above the poles, in which almost all weather occurs. This layer contains 75% of the atmosphere’s mass, and 99% of water vapor in the atmosphere. As height in the troposphere increases, temperature increases as well, ranging from 17 degrees celsius to -51 …show more content…

When it does kick in, you can sometimes get a feeling of euphoria without reason, along with impaired judgement, problems with coordination, trouble making conclusions, headaches, and drowsiness. A tool which attaches to a pilot’s fingertip can be very helpful with pointing out oxygen deprivation by monitoring blood oxygen levels. Smokers, on the other hand, have a reduced amount of hemoglobin, so they have troubles utilizing oxygen in the air, so they may experience hypoxia in much lower altitudes. (Gardner,

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