
Occurrence Of Abuse On The Childhoods Of Serial Killers

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Occurrence of Abuse in the Childhoods of Serial Killers
Danielle E. Higgins
University of Southern Indiana

Many factors contribute to the inner workings of a serial killer. One of the most prominent seems to be the incidence of some type—or multiples types—of childhood abuse. This paper discusses the different types of child abuse that could contribute to qualities of a serial killer, including several well-known serial murderers. It also discusses the different types of serial killers and the characteristics that each type portrays.
Occurrence of Abuse in the Childhoods of Serial Killers
Serial murder is one of the most horrific acts that a person can commit. Multiple murder can be broken down into three different types: mass murder, spree murder, and serial murder (Knight, 2006). Mass murder involves killing three or more individuals in one place during one short time span, spree murder involves killing three or more individuals within a time period of 30 days, and serial murder is killing three or more individuals over a time span of more than 30 days with a cooling-off period between the murders, being anywhere from days, weeks, months, or even many years (Knight, 2006). In this paper, I am going to focus on the latter—serial killers.
Many researchers are interested in serial killers, mainly to figure out why these people kill the way that they do. Anderson (1994), compares serial killers to addicts—alcoholics, gamblers, drug abusers, etc.—they all seem to have

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