
Nt1310 Unit 7 Csv

Decent Essays

3.3 Datasets
Dataset is a collection of information or data. More often dataset refer to the corresponding to single table of database in which every row represents a given member of dataset and every column corresponds to a specific variable. List values of the datasets for each variable is a member of data present in the datasets and each of its value is called as datum. Datasets may contain data for one or more than one members that is interrelated to the number of rows in the table. Datasets can contain more than one table that is related to one database in the database system.

In my evaluation I found it hard to find the logical large size dataset that should be in CSV format since most of the time database system does not support any other format extensions except CSV format but I managed to find it from the web and I used it in my performance evaluation. I have used four different datasets. I have partitioned by datasets as small dataset and large dataset. One of my dataset is further divided into three datasets that I downloaded from the web sources and other dataset I used is extracted from a rotten tomatoes website. Dataset downloaded from the web is related to the property tax report of different years. And the dataset which I extracted through data scrapping from rotten tomatoes site is …show more content…

The data in this company is about the course of business regulates and is concerned with the data conducted in database. Data available on the website [17] is in CSV (comma separated value) format. This dataset contains different tables which have a record of property tax of 2011, 2012 and 2013. In all three records of datasets there are almost same entities in tables. For each property tax report of years 2011, 2012, 2013 the following some entities are present in the table.

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