
Nt1310 Unit 1 Research Paper

Decent Essays

1. I believe that it depends on the job the person has. I think it is fine for someone who is at a job that involves a lot of down time to be on social media sites, as long as when they do actually have something they need to be doing they do it, and not be on social media, or their phone at all during this time. The problem for me is when someone has a job that requires attention and focus. If you are supposed to be doing something, and instead you are playing on your phone, whether it’s on social media, playing a game, or just texting a buddy. In my eyes, these are all unacceptable. I realize sometime things come up where being on the phone is ok, kids get sick or someone needs to contact you for some emergency. The obvious answer to this question is people should only be on the phones when they are on break or lunch, but to me I believe there are other times where it is ok. I don’t think there is an exact answer in minutes to this question. I think if someone is playing on their phones when they are supposed to be doing something else is theft. …show more content…

If someone has a set schedule, for example nine to five Monday through Friday, and they have to be there, even when they don’t have anything to do because, they have finished all tasks, and met all goals assigned to them. They should ask their supervisor if there is something they need them to do, or if they have something they can help them with. It is very important to be clear when informing their boss of their lack of work. If their boss says they don’t have anything right then for them, then they have taken the correct steps to inform their supervisor that they have nothing to fill their time. There really shouldn’t be very many of these situations in a business setting though, and if there is, then I believe there is a deeper issue at the company than employees playing on their

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