
My Personal Leadership Philosophy : A Leader Essay

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My personal leadership philosophy reflects a desire to develop subordinates and create an efficient, purpose driven environment. A leader must create a clear vision which followers can understand in order to meet all the requirements of their unit. A leader must lead with the end in sight creating goal driven activity. I believe the way to measure the success of a leader is through the success of their subordinate leaders. Therefore, a leader must constantly develop their subordinate leaders. Passion drives success making it essential for a leader to create buy-in to their plan at every level. It is inevitable that a leader will have to make correction and in order for this to have a positive influence on the organization the correction must be clear, quick, and recoverable. My personal leadership philosophy focuses on these three main points; care for Soldiers, clear vision, development of subordinates, and positive corrective practices. I believe a good leader is someone who genuinely cares for the well-being of their Soldiers. I will make the time to get to know my Soldiers and their families even if it means taking time away from my own family. I want my Soldiers to know that I truly care for them and am available for them whenever they need me. By showing my Soldiers I care, I will gain their trust and respect, but most importantly, I will gain their followership. They will follow me as they will know that whatever it is I task them to do, I would not jeopardize their

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