
Modern Day Mass Shooter

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Seeing stories about mass shootings on the news is an everyday occurrence. Mass shootings occur when people intentionally and indiscriminately shoot multiple people at one venue or at one time. In the United States, there have been 62 mass shootings in the last thirty years. There have been 24 in the last seven years, alone. If he lived in the twenty first century the monster in Frankenstein, by Mary Shelly and the movie by the same title, directed by James Whale, would be a modern day mass shooter. The monster and serial shooters share some comparably important traits, such as being bullied by humans, wanting revenge, and having psychological problems.
To some, being bullied is not a big deal; but to others (such as the monster and many mass shooters) being bullied affects their outlook on the world. To bully, according to Miriam Webster Dictionary, is “to frighten, hurt, or threaten (a smaller or weaker person): to act like a bully toward (someone): to cause (someone) to do something by making threats or insults or by using force” both the monster and many mass shooters have experienced high levels of bullying, which possibly led to the massacres. In particular, a well-known duo of boys became mass shooters after being continuously bullied by their classmates. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed twelve people and injured 24 at Columbine High School. According to the New York Times, in an article comparing the different factors in mass suicidal shooters to terrorist “The

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