
Memory is the function of storage in a computer comes in a lot of different sizes, types and

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Memory is the function of storage in a computer comes in a lot of different sizes, types and shapes. There are two basic categories: short-term and long-term. A classic computer contains several types of memory including RAM, ROM, cache, and various long-term storage devices. Each type of computer memory serves a detailed function and purpose.
Computer memory is dignified in bytes. A single byte is made up of a series of 1's and 0's normally traveling in sets of eight. These eight 0's and 1's are the way the computer communicates and stores information. With each character a byte of memory is used.

Power Supply is the power supply comes with the case, but this factor is mentioned separately since there are several types of power …show more content…

The microprocessor controls how data is fixed and directs the flow of data.
To a great extent a computer is defined by the power of its microprocessor. Chips with advanced processing speed and more recent design offer the greatest performance and access to new technologies. New microprocessors made for PCs are made by Intel or by companies that clone Intel chips, such as Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and Cyrix.

Things you will need:

Motherboard This is where the core components of your computer reside which are listed below. Also the support cards for video, networking and more are mounted into this board.

Microprocessor - This is the heart of your computer. It performs instructions and controls the operation of the computer.
Memory The RAM in your system is attached on the motherboard. This is the memory that must be powered on to maintain its contents.
Drive controllers The drive controllers control the boundary of your system to your hard drives. The controller lets your hard drives work by controlling their operation. On most systems, they are comprised on the motherboard; however you may add additional controllers for faster or other types of drives.
Hard disk drive This is where your files are permanently stored on your computer. Also, usually, your operating system is mounted here.
Monitor This device which functions like a TV set lets the user see how the computer is reacting to

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