
Media Change In Mass Media

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Throughout the time in which we have had communication, our form of giving and receiving information has increased. No longer are the days in which a piece of paper had to be rushed back into town to relay what had transpired that day, or a little note strapped to a pigeon that hopefully flew back to base. Now, we have forms of mass media, such as television, radio, and over the internet. One thing that has drastically changed is war. Before the invention of mass media, governments held full reign over what the people thought and heard about foreign or domestic transpirings. Now, however, all is known about war. The reactions to this, concurrently, have changed with the time. During foreign conflicts, news people and journalists travel to the front lines to show firsthand what is transpiring there. They then bring this information back, or alternatively, don’t. Some wars and conflicts go unseen, unheard from foreign countries.
There have been multiple studies done on the reactions of people on different wars. These different studies verify that there is a correlation between the amount of media coverage that a conflict gets and the reaction and resources given to it during the time of the incident and in the aftermath. This paper is to show the correlation and differences in the research of professionals, not to sway any opinion, or to show my own personal beliefs. This is purely an informative piece.
How Media is Changing
Modern society is undergoing a drastic change in

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