
Martin Luther's Criticism Of 'The 95 Theses'

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Martin Luther lived in Germany where his father wanted him to become a lawyer.He also went on to be one of Western history’s most significant figures. Later on he became a monk.It is told that one day he was walking down the road when lighting struck a tree causing him to blow away and thats when he said that he wanted to be a monk.

Luther penned a document attacking the Catholic Church corrupt practice to absolve sin and this is how The 95 Theses was made.The 95 Theses written in 1517 were 95 things Martin Luther didn’t like about the church.The 95 Theses were quickly distributed throughout Germany and then made their way to Rome.The 95 Theses which later became Protestant Reformation were written in a remarkably humble and academic tone,accusing and questioning. …show more content…

Martin objected the corruption selling of indulgences.On his belief he wrote the “Efficacy of indulgences”and the “Disputation of Power” which happened to be a list of questions for debate.Legend has it that on October 31,1517,Luther defiantly a the theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church.Luther more than likely hung it on the door to announce his discussion that was organized. The main three things he didn’t like about the church was The Power of the Pope. He felt that what was going on was a little too much.Second was The Extreme Wealth of The Church and third was The Indulgences.There was also another thing he didn’t like about the church and it was Purportedly which was working off to someone else

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