
Marketing And Advertising A Branded Product

Good Essays

Marketing and Advertising a Branded Product
Sandra Rhames-Smith
Instructor: Loay Alnaji
September 15, 2015
By means of grounded theory methodology the research paper will theorize a consumer’s response and reaction to brand-named products versus generic products that have been examined and studied for many years. For many years, researchers have questioned the reason that a consumer grows attached and likes vs. dislikes certain branded products, the answer remains open-ended. Many things can interfere with the consumer’s resistance to new products being introduced into the marketplace; such as packaging, limited advertising and marketing, name association and mass appeal. This paper will study whether …show more content…

(p. 09). Companies with such brands however, still face the challenge of pushing their products, increasing market share and ensuring brand loyalty while being faced with the challenge of cheaper competitive products and alternative products being introduced in the market. There are the key selling points that branded products have like consumer loyalty but companies have to keep thinking of new ways of ensuring that these products still remain being the preferred product even when they are more expensive than the rest. Differentiation is a great strategy but it cannot help in maintaining customer loyalty, so there has to be a way through which a company collects information that is vital in helping decisions in regards to maintaining a product being the preferred choice for the consumers. (Batra, Ahuvia & Bangozi, 2012).
Having worked in one of the leading healthcare companies, I have seen a situation where a product has been performing well for quite some time due to the famous brand name but after a while the sales of the product have dwindled and the management of the company is left wondering where they went wrong. With proper information about the trend of a branded product, a company might be in a position to stop such an occurrence and to maintain a great sales performance for a branded product. I theorized that consumers are generally interested in brand-named products, namely products that provide them with status, security and importance.
Although, they

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