
Manslaughter Case Study

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Involuntary Manslaughter consists of the actus reus with the absence of mens rea or causing grievous bodily harm. Involuntary manslaughter consists of three categories which are unlawful act, gross negligence and reckless manslaughter.
However, our main category is unlawful act manslaughter, which is also known as ‘constructive manslaughter’.

Unlawful act manslaughter was defined in the case of Larkin [1944}, in which the defendant’s girlfriend fell on a razor he was holding, and she died. The defendant saw her with another man at a party and to scare the man with the victim, he showed him a razor, but the victim was drunk and went towards the defendant and fell on the razor, that cut her throat and she died. He was convicted with manslaughter and his appeal was dismissed.
Humphreys J stated that ‘where the act which a person is engaged in performing is unlawful, the if at the same time it is a dangerous act…causes the death of that other person by that act, then he is guilty of manslaughter.’

Following this is, DPP V Newbury and Jones [1977], where two teenage boys threw a paving slab off a railway bridge, when the train was approaching. The paving slab went through a glass window and killed a guard. They were convicted of manslaughter, but the Court of Appeal was not approved of. They appealed to the House of Lords and they dismissed as well. Lord Salmon explained that unlawful act manslaughter is ‘an accused is guilty of manslaughter, if it is proved that he

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