
Male Sexuality : Female Sexuality

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Female Sexuality
Female sexuality intertwines with Possessing the Secret of Joy by illustrating its power and those who fear it.
In the early nineteenth century, heightened female sexuality was considered a disorder (Studd, 2006). Doctors and psychiatrist sought ways to prevent “masturbation and decrease libido”. Issac Baker Brown- a gynecological surgeon removed the clitoris of a women who sought to use the Divorce Act of 1857 and leave her husbands as well as young women who read books and failed to follow their mothers’ rules. Women received operations to remove their clitoris preventing sexual stimulation as a way of controlling their sexual desires. Applying of leeches to the vulva and the anus also destroyed the outer portions of the vagina. In the medieval times, men were fearful of the female sexuality and the madness they believed came along with heightened states of arousal (Studd, 2006).
Dr. Kimberly Russell says culture influences control women by saying women are less interested in sex than men, and that women prefer monogamy. Women did not say that, but women believe it (Cavanaugh, 2013). Creating an environment where women control their urges to be sexual with more than one person, is called “slut shaming.” This is an example of societal control over the libido of women. As evidence of this theory, Russell used other species who mate with several different mates to ensure procreation. More partners greater the chances for pregnancy. Women

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