
Learning The Importance Of Distributed Learning Environments

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Learning the importance of distributed learning environments
Collaborative learning
We as societies are hindered in advancement by secluding ourselves alone. Learning in groups working together adds an element of scaffolding and accountability to learning. The shared construction of meaning is most visible and available for research at the small-group unit of analysis, where it appears as group cognition (Stahl et al., 2006). Social cohesion adds elements of accountability and a sense of enjoyment, camaraderie, and social acceptance of all cultures. Adding to the literature, Akyol & Garrison, 2014, Community of Inquiry argues “Social presence may well have more influence in informal learning environments, K-12 settings, or in online learning where students are new to this medium (Akyol, & Garrison, p.18, 2014). Positive reinforcement striving to acquire meaningful relationships build lifelong ethical citizens.
Social Interaction in learning.
Sharing and cooperation have passed the tests of time. As humans, we are constantly looking for that human connection and membership within a group. A complex of simultaneously applied instructional approaches, each reinforcing and/or complementing the other can enhance collaborative learning and social interaction amongst group members (Kreijns et al. p.338, 2003). Working together has never been so important, and effective teamwork never so stressed, bringing people together who would otherwise be easily divided with technology.

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