
Lady Macbeth Research Paper

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When you have bad influence in your life it’s easier for you to commit sins like Macbeth did. Lady Macbeth wanted power so she pressured her husband to be evil to get her power. Power is the master of evilness and that’s why Macbeth was taking innocent life to fulfill his wife’s wishes. Lady Macbeth influenced Macbeth to do the most evil.

First of all, Lady Macbeth influenced Macbeth because she was greedy for the power. In act 1 scene 7 Lady Macbeth hurt his ego and pressure him to do the most evil. After all she did to him she again insult him and says “if you weren’t a man, then what kind of animal are you.” The quote from act 1 scene 7 shows how Lady Macbeth is driving Macbeth crazy just to get the power. She is pressuring him to the extend where he can not think anything else, but to proof that he is man enough to fulfill his wife’s dream. Macbeth is thinking of taking someone’s life under the influence of his wife which is greedy for the power. …show more content…

In act 2 scene 2 Lady Macbeth called him weak which made Macbeth insecure. Macbeth don’t want to do any dishonorable thing but she hurts him and says “ My hands are as red as yours, but I would be ashamed if my heart were as pale and weak.” The quote from act 2 scene 2 shows how Lady Macbeth is disgracing her husband to secure her future. Lady Macbeth leaves no choice to humiliate her husband just to get the power. On the other hand Macbeth is insecure and she is taking advantage of

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