
Karl Marx Essay

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Karl MarxKarl Marx was an influencell economist during the 1800s. Marx has his own economic theory, called Marxism. Marx, a radical Communist ideas and philosophies played important roles int the forming of Communist nations during the twentieth century. Marx’s ideas would and have influenced the course of history. Even today, well past his death his philosophies and ideas are still talked about. Marx’s ideas are captured in his book the Communist manifesto. Communism is “a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.” (1) In Marx’s book, he summarizes his economic philosophies. Marx first belief that he mentions in …show more content…

(2) If Marx were to be still alive today, he would not be pleased with the current economy in the United States. His biggest issues would be with government regulation, supply and demand, the free market and most of all our current class system. Karl Marxs would be in favor of having more government regulations in place. He would use wall street as an example of why this was necessary. He would propose government regulations to limit the risks taken by individuals. These risks often have potential to hurt the majority of population greatly. Marx believes that protecting the majority of the population should always take precedence over the economic gain of few. (5) (6) Karl Marx would not like the free market, and how people can own property. Marx is a communist and therefore believes that everything should be owned by the state. He would claim that had people not owned things, and not been able to make bad investments we would not be in our current economic situation. (4) (6) (7) Marx’s biggest issue with our current economy would be the class system. Marx would hate how much money and power the upper class has. He would be

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