
JHT Task 1 Karen Means

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JHT Task 1 Karen Means A. Company J (Javelin Shoes) Final Cumulative Balanced Scorecard, Income Statement, and Balance Sheet Attached B. Competitive Strategy I chose a multi-regional, focused differentiation strategy tailored to match the differing competitive conditions and actions of rivals in the North America, Europe-Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Latin America regions. In years 11 through 16, my strategy focused on “upscale buyers wanting products…with world class attributes.” (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland, 2012) I chose this strategy because the cultures represented in my demographic are radically different, thus I believed we needed a strategy that catered to those differences. This focused strategy concentrates on …show more content…

They also offered more models than the industry average, 252 by year 18. They did have some weaknesses. Their SQ rating was consistently 5, below the industry average of 6. Company F, the game winner, had an SQ rating of 8. They did not offer free shipping with their Internet orders. I consider this a customer service weakness; however, their retail price point was very low, and this did not seem to impact their sales numbers. Celebrity appeal was sporadic at best, with several years showing no celebrity endorsements. Strategically, Company G seemed to rely solely on volume sales with a low price point in all markets: Internet, wholesale, and private label. Their “basis for competitive advantage is lower overall costs than competitors…finding ways to drive costs out of their businesses and still provide a product…that buyers find acceptable.” (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland, 2012) With an SQ rating of 5, quality was not a distinguishing factor; low costs were. Overall, Company G’s strategy made it relatively easy for me to predict their next moves. As discussed, they very consistently priced their Internet, wholesale, and private label shoes below industry average. They steadily built production volume. They chose the low cost provider strategy, and they stuck to it. (Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble, & Strickland, 2012) D. Sustainability Company G will serve as my

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