
Is Hand Washing Really Effective at Reducing Infections in Hospitals?

Decent Essays

This essay will be discussing how effective the hand washing technique has been in reducing infections in hospital. The hand washing technique has been around since the mid-1800s, helping to reduce both hospital and community acquired infections, such as MRSA and C-diff, which both can be passed on by touch. It will establish how effecting the hand washing technique is and how can it be more effective.

Hand Hygiene among health care workers today plays a central role in preventing the transmission of infectious agents. It has been determined that many germs and infections, have been passed to the patient from a health care worker. In 1847 Ignaz Semmelweis, a surgical assistant at Vienna General Hospital conducted a study of puerperal fever causing a high maternal and neonatal mortality. He conducted two studies for different classes of patients. The treatment was given by the medical student and midwife in both classes individually. He found that the death rate in the first was 13.10% and the second class death rate was 2.03%, but could not explain his findings. However he subsequently deduced that the medical student’s hands were contaminated causing a higher death rate. He noted that physicians and medical students were contaminating their hand while performing autopsies and later attending the examination of women without washing their hand washing. Cross infections in hospital is commonly spread by contaminated hands and equipment. Some bacteria will inhabit and

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