
Improve Overpriced Healthcare

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How Can We Improve Overpriced Healthcare?
Healthcare costs have been on the rise for decades and have become unaffordable for many in today’s economy. There have been many suggestions that the best solution would be to provide a better way to pay these costs such as single payer health care, which is government provided, or to fix our current method involving private insurance and responsible for tens of thousands of jobs. This has become an extremely hot topic over the past eight years. As costs rise the cost to the government increases as often those who require lifesaving care are unable to repay the cost and it is left on the hospitals or the government to pick up the costs. If we continue with our current system it will raise the …show more content…

Over the next decade, the United States is expected to face a shortage of physicians between 61,000 and 95,000 professionals (AAMC, 2016). To counter this we must come up with a new system for allowing those interested in the medical profession to learn, advance, and take up the roles. Under the current system, a licensed doctor would be expected to spend nearly seven years of schooling before being allowed to practice medicine. With the current education costs and requirements, the costs of schooling alone turn away many individuals interested in this profession. This cost in 2013 had graduates on average $250,000 in debt and has only increased (Lam, 2014). We must change the way we find and train our doctors. We do however have a large number of highly experienced nurses, EMTs, paramedics and lower level medical professionals with a basic knowledge of medical skills. Over the years those skills rise with experience which could be honed, measured, and promoted within the medical field. My recommendation would be at any government funded clinic allow anyone capable of passing a general knowledge test to gain an entry level position in the medical field as an intern to a certified nurse’s aide, emergency medical technician. As their experience grows allow them to take practical exams, instead of written, applying their experience to promote within the field from and intern into the position they are training. With each step require an entrance exam,

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