
Impact Of Big Data On Businesses

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The impact of big data to businesses CIS 5681 Research Project Big Data Solution for Businesses Summer 2015 06/24/2015 Sai Kireety Kokkiligadda Abstract Big data is buzzword in every field of business as well as research. Organizations have found its application across various sectors from Sports to Security, from Healthcare to e-Commerce. Information when rightly put in use can cease the market. For instance, with the rise of smart phone purchases, transactions through mobile phones and tablets have increased steeply like ever before. Since 2011, when number of mobile phones and tablets outnumbered the number of laptops, customer buying behavior evolved to using mobile applications. In the era, where …show more content…

Introduction Hottest job in 21st century: Data scientist. With the growth of technology, there is a substantial growth of data by volume, variety and velocity satisfying the criteria of Big Data . Volume of data already exceeded 100 EB at the end of 1990s, reached 1.8 ZB at 2011, and we have already entered in the age of ZB. By 2020, it was forecasted that the volume of data will be 50 times bigger than the one at 2011 . Big data is used to describe the huge data sets (terabyte to Exabyte) and Big Data analytics are the techniques applied on them. The challenge is that they require a unique way of collecting, managing and visualizing technologies which makes it one of the four major technology trends in the 2010s. (IBM tech trend report 2011). A report by the McKinsey Global Institute (Manyika et al. 2011) predicted that by 2018, the United States alone will face a shortage of 140,000 to 190,000 people with deep analytical skills, as well as a shortfall of 1.5 million data-savvy managers with the know-how to analyze big data to make effective decisions. Inspired in part by MapReduce, Hadoop provides a Java based software framework for distributed processing of data intensive transformation and analytics. The top three commercial database suppliers Oracle, IBM, and Microsoft have all adopted Hadoop, some within a cloud infrastructure. In addition to these well-established business reporting functions, statistical

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