
Ilm Level 3 Unit 328 Understand How to Lead Effective Meetings

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Unit 328:- Understand how to lead effective meetings
AC 1.1
Explain the purpose of a meeting

Staff meetings

The purpose of regular staff meetings helps an organisation become much more organised and efficient and places both employees and managers on the same page, it makes it easier to establish roles and collaborates to finish projects and achieve goals. They make it possible for all members of a company to work together with less confusion and accomplish objectives faster.
They cover a range of relevant information, and provide a platform for employees to ask questions and discuss concerns with management enabling staff to offer ideas and solutions directly to managers and team members within the company. Staff meetings inform …show more content…

It is an opportunity to discuss strengths, give constructive suggestions and consider each other’s points of view.
AC 1.2
Explain the purpose and structure of an agenda

A meeting agenda ensures that the meeting will be a productive use of everyone's time. It can focus the attendee’s efforts and provide a structure to accomplish the meeting purpose. It defines outcomes, and important information, attendee roles and responsibilities and a meeting timeline. It allows attendee’s to prepare for the meeting as it is made available a week before. It also works as a checklist of those attending, goals and topics for discussion to make sure that all the necessary information is covered and keeps team members focused on the specific goals and stay on track with the subject matter.

A well written meeting agenda makes it easy for everyone to go through the meeting process smoothly and in an organised manner.
AC 1.3
Explain how to select and invite the right people to attend the meeting
When inviting people to a meeting, make it a point to mention why they are expected to attend. This gives them time to prepare, and keeps them alert and interactive throughout, it is best to only have people who can contribute to the meeting for example were they given any action points to achieve in a previous meeting that need to be followed up?, would the individual bring anything new to the table? Do they

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