
How Is Diction Used In The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow

Decent Essays

Washington Irving wrote The Legend of Sleepy Hollow in 1820. Irving’s tale describes the events that lead up to Ichabod Crane leaving the small town of Sleepy Hollow after a large fright that could only have been described as ghostly. Different parts of the story, specifically the fear and humor incorporated into the story, were developed further by the usage of diction and hyperbole. very awkward sentence here. The fear that Irving’s characters experience was intensified through the use of diction, it was used in many parts of Irving's writing. Diction is used to clarify the situation and further define what an author depicts, in this situation, Irving uses diction to depict fear. After Irving’s character Ichabod Crane began to duel with Brom …show more content…

They fought over the affection of a woman, this women invited them both to a party. When he saw how much Ichabod and the woman talked, Brom Bones became jealous. Soon after Ichabod left the party to go home, Ichabod reasoned that he was being chased by The Headless Horseman, a legend from Sleepy Hollow in which a ghost chases riders before they get to a certain point in the town. The fear indicated while Ichabod was being attacked by what he perceived as a ghost, was further developed using diction to create a more realistic experience for his reader. Irving writes in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow; “As yet his panic had given his unskilful rider an apparent advantage in the chase; but just as he had got halfway through the hollow, the girth of his saddle gave way, and Ichabod felt it slipping from under him. He had just time to save himself by clasping old gunpowder round the neck when the saddle fell to the earth” (Irving 44). The use of diction shows in this part of Irving’s writing as he describes how Ichabod grabs his horse by the neck. The use of …show more content…

The hyperbole in Irving’s writing becomes clear as he begins to describe his main character’s attributes. Irving uses humor to bring attention to certain details to make them memorable. By using exaggeration and metaphor together, he makes a hyperbole, to help contribute to the experience. Irving demonstrates humor being developed by hyperbole when he writes, “The revenue arising from his school would have been scarcely sufficient to furnish him with daily bread, for he was a huge feeder and, though lank, had the dilating powers of an anaconda”(7). What Irving attempts to convey is, while Ichabod was a school teacher, he did not get paid enough for him to be comfortable, the main reason being that he had a large appetite. The description that he had the dilating powers of an anaconda, is not only an exaggeration, but is a comparison of the amount he eats to that of an anaconda, a metaphor. Metaphor and exaggeration, when used in the same context, is a hyperbole. The use of large exaggeration in Irving’s writing, leads to the development of

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