
How Do Nurses Reduce Fatigue Or Sleep Deprivation?

Decent Essays

When nurse is rushing to meet the loads of a busy schedule or duty call, cutting back on sleep or working fatigued. Giving up seven to nine hours of rest, naps and not getting adequate amount of sleep after long shift hours in fact is realistic personal trade-off that over the long-term creates havoc in health. The truth is that working overtime, frequent interrupted rest brake or sleep deprivation is not a good idea for nurses. It not only affects nurse mentality and physical health, productivity, vitality, and sharpness or right decision taken, but also could change collective manners toward work and undesirable risk to patient’s safety. After review The American Nurse Association (ANA) (2014) position that promote stronger support and collaboration to reduce fatigue or sleep deprivation in nurses and continue afford safe patient care every day.
According ANA (2014) limit work weeks to …show more content…

The fact that if nurse work three twelve hour shifts in a row bond sleep deprivation rising drowsy driving and injuries. The lack of sleep between work days especially work night shifts increase attention failure while driving home from work in the morning. Closely 95% of nurses who working twelve-hour night shifts report that they fallen asleep at the wheel and having had or near-miss an automobile accident.
Mandatory overtime is another long-term rising health consequences for nurses and patients. Nurses who works more than two days on the road twelve-hour shift attentiveness and performance capabilities gist downward letting nurse falling asleep at work and rather as symbol of dedication posturing improper risk to patient safety. Also, working long hours regularly could negatively influence nurse’s health increasing risk for a variety of health issues such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, obesity, metabolic syndromes, and even

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