
History Of Elder Abuse

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History of elderly abuse Elder abuse is not just based on hitting there are many different types of abuse such as: physical abuse, sexual abuse, domestic violence, psychological abuse, financial abuse and neglect. Estimates show that 4-6% of the elderly are being abused. In 1996, twenty years ago, 450,000 elderly experienced abuse nationwide. This is a very high number of elders being abused that can’t defend themselves. The earliest study of Adult Protective Services was accomplished by Virginia Lehmann for the National Council on the Aging in 1960. The report was used as the foundation for a national conference held in 1963. As we can see from this statement elder abuse has been around for many years. Many times people don’t even realize how much elder abuse is a problem and how many different types of elder abuse there is. Elderly abuse made its first appearance in national scene in the late 1970s. However, the proper efforts to help vulnerable elders began at least two decades before the 1070s. This is when protective …show more content…

Many cases family members are the ones committing elder abuse, they think taking money from the elders is fine, what do they need it for? However, that’s not the case. The money does not belong to them; therefore they do not have the right to be touching that money, which is considered financial abuse. Elder abuse is a family matter, most of the date indicated that adult children are the abusers. Spouses and other family members are also part of the abuse but not as much as adult children. According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, almost 90% of abusers were family members and almost 62% of all cases of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of adults living at home engage abuse by the other people. You would think that caregivers would be more likely to mistreat the elders, since the elders are not family, sadly that is not the

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