
Higher Learning - Film Analysis Essay

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Higher Learning - Film Analysis Exposition: The Establishing Shot of the film is a full screen American Flag, the camera zooms out and points down, revealing a large crowd of people in a rally, being very patriotic. As the camera zooms off the flag we come across a statue of Columbus- indicating it to be Columbus University. The speaker on the stage gives us another indication of the setting by Shouting'Columbus University'. They are in front of a stage with Band music playing and chants rising out. Whilst this continues in the background three characters are established: Remy, Kristen and Malik. Remy is amongst the crowd- standing alone not joining in with the chant. Kristen walking along, …show more content…

The black group find out and beat Billy up- not because Kristen was raped but because Moonai was called a 'Black Bitch'. Through out this Remy wanders around the party trying to fit in- acting like he belongs but being whole heartedly rejected by almost everyone he speaks to, as the narrative evolves Remy develops a White Supremacy Attitude. This attitude is related to the meeting with Scott who introduces him to his friends who turn out to be Nazi wannabe's and they take Remy in as one of their own- he finally belongs. The build up to the climax begins, as Remy gets deeper and deeper into the Nazi group. Not long before the rape Kristen meets the girl from the women's group who has a significant influence in Kristen's development and experimentation. She talk's Kristen out of the shell she climbed into after the rape. The character Professor Phipps appears as their Politics lecturer, his class and Professor Phipps himself are the connections between Malik and Kristen. He guide's them both through their class so that they can pass it, without actually giving them the answers. Fudge becomes part of the narrative as he shares a common room with Malik, he taught himself to appreciate learning, that 'reading feeds the mind'. Fudge is a big influence

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