
Hamlet And The Characters Of Hamlet In Hamlet

Decent Essays

1. It is very clear that something is wrong in Denmark in scene 1 because King Hamlet has died. His brother that is now King was the one that murdered him. Prince Hamlet does not like the idea of his uncle becoming King and marrying his mother so soon after his father’s death. Something else that let us know something was wrong was Barnardo and Francisco’s conversation. They are used to taking turns being a guard so for Barnardo to ask Francisco “Who’s there” (Ham. 1.1.1) let us know that there is someone else besides Francisco around the castle at that time. Come to find out King Hamlet has a ghost that appears outside the castle that they can see. Since they see a ghost they bring a friend, Horatio, to confirm that this ghost that they are seeing really is King Hamlet. Horatio confirms the ghost by saying “Such was the very armour he had on,” (Ham. 1.1.59). Prince Hamlet now knows that the ghost is his father but is concerned that he may be haunting the castle to get revenge. I don’t personally have some one that represents Claudius character but someone in the media that reminds me of him is Trump. I say this because I think Trump is a good leader because he tries to do what is best for America but because of that I don’t think he is a very family man. An example of this is “But you must know your father lost a father, That father lost, lost his, and the survivor bound” (Ham. 1.1.89-90). He isn’t worried about his family as much because he doesn’t have much sympathy for Hamlet about losing his father. To me this reminds me of Trump because he doesn’t always say things with other people’s emotions in mind.

2. In scene 2, we can see that Claudius and Hamlet do not get along. Hamlet does not like that Claudius is just brushing off the king’s death and moving right into getting married to Gertrude. Hamlet thinks that Claudius should be more upset about his death considering it was his brother, but he is not. Claudius says to Hamlet “how is it that the cloud still hang on you?” (Ham. 1.2.66) This line is insinuating that Prince Hamlet is still mourning over his father’s death after months have gone by and Claudius doesn’t think that he should be. I think that Claudius may have a little good in him because he

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