
Formation Of Dipeptides And Polypeptides From Amino Acids

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Formation of dipeptides and polypeptides via amino acids
Dipeptides and polypeptides
Amino acids are the monomers of proteins, which means that proteins are just long chains of amino acids, that have been bonded together end to end. Amino acids can be used to form larger molecules to form larger molecules to form condensation reactions.

When a condensation reaction occurs, a reaction between the amino group(of one amino acid) and the acid group (from another amino acid) will cause a covalent bond to form between those two amino acids, (this bond is also known as a peptide bond), the resulting reaction will form a much larger mad e from the two amino acids the molecule that is formed is known as a dipeptide molecule (a dipeptide molecule is a molecule consisting of two amino acids bonded by a peptide bond), because it is a condensation reaction a water molecule will also form.

When more and more amino acids go through the condensation reaction, they will bond to the other amino acids via the peptide bonds; this will eventually cause the formation of a polypeptide.

Primary structure of proteins
We know that proteins are basically just amino acids bonded by peptide bonds which form a chain. However the function of protein is determined by the structure of that protein itself, we can determine the structure of an amino acid by observing what sequence the amino are in, each protein or polypeptide as its own unique sequence of amino acids, we refer

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