
Focus Questions for "Innovation Within the Organization"

Decent Essays

Focus Questions for “Innovation within the Organization”

Radical innovations are technologies that allow firm to differentiate themselves from competition and become leaders in newly developed markets. As radical innovations are speculative in nature, it is essential for firms to constantly conduct numerous research and development projects to increase the likelihood a commercially viable one is discovered.
Within the article “Innovation’s New Math,” Gary Hamel offers the innovation pipeline as a focused method for a firm to develop radical innovation projects and avoid the financial strain of having too many risky ventures operating at once. Hamel highlights the need for companies to allow communication lines for all employees …show more content…

The result is continued behavior with hope that it continues to contribute towards the benefit of the company’s core competencies.

3.) Strategies offered in both articles contained a focus on the customer and their needs. While Stewart presupposes that the company, in this case 3M, follows the needs of the customer. Prahalad and Hamel contend that companies bring the customer/market to them with their ideas. Prahlald and Hamel focus on core products emerging from core competencies that are in place. 3M does not have a sole core, instead they are made of various cores that are ever evolving and emerging through their culture of constant innovation.

4.) Brian Hindo’s article “At 3M, A Struggle Between Efficiency and Creativity,” depicts “Design for Six Sigma,” as detriment to innovation. Quality programs such as Six Sigma and ISO 9000 are created to apply metrics and measurements to processes in an effort to reduce variation and eliminate defects. As explained by Hindo, Six Sigma stands in direct contrast with the fundamentals of innovation. Innovation involves variation and experimentation. Where Six Sigma seeks to avert or eliminate risk; innovation is the result of embracing risk taking in potential fields for a possible impactful gain. Prior to implementation of Six Sigma, 3M employees were able to propose independent research projects and receive funding to proceed

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