
Examples Of Conformity

Decent Essays

Group conformity is defined as the way people change their behavior or character when influenced by other people or by a certain social environment. A basic example of it will be a teenager whom friends are all smirking a cigarette, fear of not being part of the group our teenager will at his turn light a cigarette. Conformity in a group is in way copying what other members are doing to integrate the group, one can act totally out of character just for the group conformity. In this essay we will analyze how people are affected by group conformity and what kind of changes some are willing to make in their characters or behavior. We will also analyze how can group conformity be expressed in our society. Finally we will analyze what statistics and scientific research is telling us about group conformity.

Group conformity can be …show more content…

The difference between these two is that while informational conformity is when an individual is trying to find help and answers and is put in a situation where he or she does not know how to react, normative conformity happens when somebody deeply wants to be part of a group or society and is willing to make all the necessary changes to adapt. The latter will most likely act our of fear, the same fear we were talking about earlier, of failing to adapt to a group or society, those individuals are willingly prepared for anything to be accepted and be considered fully part of the group. On the other hand with informative conformity the individual is usually so puzzled of the whole situation just try to adapt and mimic the social norms to feel more comfortable. These two types of conformity also have different effects on its subjects, through informational conformity individuals implicitly adapt with the normal views and behaviors while with normative conformity, the changes are easy to be seen in the person character or just way of

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