
European Imperialism In Things Fall Apart By Chinua Achebe

Decent Essays

A writer who wants to create a suspenseful story never introduces a character into a novel without a meaning or a purpose. The main reason writers include side-characters is to fill in plot holes, create contrasts to the protagonist, or have the character represent a bigger picture. In Things Fall Apart, a novel based in Nigeria, a group of nine villages experienced European Imperialism. During this time period, there were three groups natives, peaceful European missionaries, and several European law bringers. Each one of these groups had varying beliefs and views over what was happening during the start of imperialism. In Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe uses three characters named: Obierika, Mr. Brown, and The District Commissioner, to help portray how each group acted during the time. Obierika’s purpose inside Things Fall Apart was to exemplify the confused and concerned natives. Some may believe that Obierika was included in the novel to support the main protagonist, Okonkwo, while others may believe that he was introduced to let the readers see how the clansmen felt. I however, believe with the latter. Obierika was one of the Nigerian villagers, and experienced the affects of Imperialism firsthand. During the story, Obierika was separated from Okonkwo and constantly informed him of what was occurring in his hometown: “‘Have you heard,’ asked Obierika, ‘that Abame is no more?’ ‘How is that?’ asked Uchendu and Okonkwo together. ‘Abame has been wiped out, ‘It is a strange

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