
Essay On Slavery In America

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Slavery is a terrifying act that occurred worldwide and throughout history. Many social, economic, and political forces played a massive part in the upcoming of slavery. Africans were stripped from their families and homes and forced into labor. About two million slaves from Africa were brought to the South in the United States and around the 1830’s a Virginia law prohibited all blacks from learning to read and write. Slavery was a horrendous phenomena that entrenched Africans in the South as they tried to maintain their identity and gain freedom through relentless hard work and survival.
Slavery in the South was atrocious, slaves had no rights and were treated with no respect. The South’s economy was mainly based on agriculture, where they …show more content…

Africans were brutally treated and still preserved the love for their families no matter what was going on. Many stuck with their identity and did what they had to do to stay safe for themselves and their families. However, some slaves acquired their own freedom by buying it from their owners. Some slaves obtained their freedom through manumission, which is the voluntary emancipation of a slave by their owner. Manumission was offered to slaves because they prevailed a long life or they were sometimes favored by their owner. Many slaves also escaped from their owners to free themselves. In 1808, importing slaves from Africa got banned by congress. Steadily after that the Missouri Compromise banned slavery in 1820 north of the southern boundary.

Although slavery was a horrific era in time, it created many new relationships and compromises. Slaves in the South were treated inhumanly but they still tried to maintain their identity and gain freedom. The world as a whole learned from this time and now blacks are free people. Slavery was morally wrong and unjust, and is now a ghost in America’s history. Slavery has been abolished in America for over a century, but people are still learning today. America is still moving forward from this era where all races are equal and racism is

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