
How Music Affects Society

Decent Essays

Traditional, culture, and identity- how can music affect human life?

I chose this topic because music is a history, a culture and everything. Music is a very important role in our daily life. Maybe most of the people wouldn’t know it or feel it but without music everything would have changed. Music have been a big part of our lives, most of the culture has music. So can music change the world or the world will change music?

Not all music are good to the society I am not saying that all music are bad, The generation these days in music like pop and rap the music is good but some of the lyrics in the music are using inappropriate language, sexually, and negative behavior. Many people nowadays are having parties, and apparently in these party music are been played which is used as aggressive music. So will these consequences change the world or the music?

Global Perspective
According to most of the countries, they have been said that music is been played loud at night and many people are complaining about it. Apparently in the United States of America laws are pretty strict on that it is a criminal offense. But there is a time …show more content…

I also wish that people who like aggressive music as my views we could listen to some of these rock music which help us to celebrate. Music has been affecting my life pretty huge. If we want more good music to be in the music society so we must start not make these noise pollution. The other affect of music in my life is that music repair everything, even when I cant sleep at night music make me sleep well. Music can bring happiness, music can bring us all together, music make the world more colorful. Music is something that is already since the first creature is born; even animals make music by their own language and by adapting to

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