
Educator Training Essay

Decent Essays

Educator Training Regardless of the years of athletic experience among a team of coaches and teachers, an active training program will help staff members to stay informed about the psychological dimensions of student athletes; thereby applying the first tenet of SLT. Smith and Smoll examined the effects of providing positive athletic setting resulting in a 30-5% reduction in athlete dropout rates. I appreciate the fact these results were equally positive among both boy and girl teams, because its success gives credence to the need to provide Teachers and coaches with training to mold their own behavior first in creating positive settings. Training should cover good work ethic and commitment to students and program; respect for the …show more content…

If a student has been modeling poor character, he needs to know that he has the power to turn his behavior around with tools, such as imagery. With this technique, a student is guided to remember situations and imagines making better choices with better outcomes. Smith and Smoll’s study indicates that the sooner imagery occurs after an incident, the stronger are its effects. Author, coach, and father, Mike James tells his athletes that negative thoughts will creep in from time to time; however, “the key is whether we submit to these thoughts and emotions and let them control us or whether we exercise our freedom of choice as respond a different way” (James, 2017, p. 236). Inspirational tools include allowing coaches to be social agents who label positive sporting behavior, and practicing mental skills for improving moral reasoning. And when detrimental actions occur, be prepared, because conduct issues will arise. Managing Conduct Issues How coaches react to conduct issues can create positive learning opportunities, promote character development, and create an opportunity to apply all the tenets of SLT. Begin with assessing the student and content to develop fair and clearly defined guidelines and consequences. But when issues arise, discuss the wrongness or rightness of an action, providing clear expectations for ethical behavior. James’

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