
Dream Keeper's Conference

Decent Essays

“Brown men have always been worth something, but their worth has been quantified” –Dr. Allison McLetchie. This stimulating quote summed up the deeper meaning behind the drive for the Dream Keeper’s Conference. The conference was held on Tuesday, November 10, 2015, in the James and Dorothy Z. Elmore Chapel. The panel included Dr. McLetchie, Dr. Stephen Ray, and Representative Bakari Sellers. The purpose of the event was to speak on truth and reconciliation, race, and the justice system within today’s culture. The conference began with a discussion centered on the #BlackLivesMatter movement, the Charleston shooting and Ferguson. The panelists shared their thoughts on these issues while the audience concentrated. The Charleston shooting hit close to home for Representative Sellers; he knew someone who was shot and killed in the shooting. “He was the only one to make it to the hospital alive before he died”, Sellers reflected. Dr. Ray brought an unfortunate element to my attention: “People talk about the tragedies for a few weeks and then it’s like nothing ever happened”. This statement registered with me because I realized that as these issues were being brought up, I had forgotten some of the core details of the situations. It makes one wonder about why …show more content…

Not ignorance in the sense that the black community does not care about what is going on, but ignorant in the fact that they have not taken out the time to truly investigate and construct possible solutions. It is one thing to talk amongst friends and families and post thoughts on social media, yet it is another thing to be an activist and go out and speak amongst strangers about how issues can start to be resolved in communities. Spreading awareness and having discussions is the starting point for these issues, but the root of the issue cannot be solved unless we as a people learn to focus on what matters most instead of being wrapped up in the

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