
Deception in Macbeth

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Throughout Macbeth things are not always as they seem. Deception is always present with Macbeth, Lady Macbeth and the three witches. The three weird sisters set up the theme of deception with their opening lines “fair is foul, and foul is fair”. They told Macbeth that he 'd be safe from all men born of women. They said that he needed to fear only the man that wasn 't born of a woman. They also told him that he needed to beware of Macduff. But they didn 't link the two predictions. So Macbeth had a false sense of security. He never once considered the man not born of woman to be Macduff, who was delivered by Caesarean section from a dead mother. After the weird sisters finished talking to Macbeth and Banquo they vanished without saying a …show more content…

She knows that the process of making her husband believe what she wants may not be easy. Lady Macbeth has to be cunning, and she is up for the challenge. The thought of being in power - the King and Queen of Scotland - drives her and she cannot be stopped. Lady Macbeth often has to reinforce her immoral beliefs to her husband.
She decides to use deception to push her husband 's ambition to be king. ...Hie thee hither, that I may pour my spirits in thine ear, and chastise with the valour of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round...
This leads us on to act 2 where lady Macbeth deceives the king and acts very two sided towards him. The king is murdered by Macbeth while at Dunsinane , his own castle. They frame the kings guards and Macbeth feels guilty but with this lady Macbeth says “ things without all remedy should be without regard : whats done is done. But after this murder Macbeth realises he wants more power so in act 3 he is deceptive towards his best friend Banquo. He acts to be loyal to him but on the other side he plans to have him and his son Fleance murdered.
Oone again the witches come back giving 3 more predictions to Macbeth in Act 4 and tell him to beware of Macduff. Before vanishing Macbeth asks for a fourth prophecy but the refuse.
When Lady macduff hears that her husband is leaving she is very disappointing and states that the whole world is evil. Macbeth

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