
Data Ware House Technology Essays

Decent Essays

Bashkor Biswas

Data Ware House

Data is the raw materials of any information system. With the revolution of Information Technology we are improving our decision making process more quick and smart. Data warehouse technology is the process of collection, sorting, structural formation, analysis, storing and presentation of data. So we say that data warehouse is the technology is overall data management system in the organization.
In today’s business world we are facing huge competition. To secure enough profit we have no other way but to make most accurate decision quickly. We take decision on the basis of information WE HAVE. So to take accurate decision accurately it is a pre requisite to have a smart system which can – …show more content…

Scalability: how my vendors deals with the data? Will it performed against required performance? Can the infrastructure handle the needs for different user even if they are working concurrently on this system?
Agility: How do my vendors deals with the changing needs with mixed loads that include loading data while querying and returning right answer.
Enterprise readiness: Are service of my vendors function always to keep my business running( even if in 24*7) . Is it deliver the security I need. How the vendors are protecting disaster and fraudulent manipulation.
There are some other things also we can consider : * Ease of Deployment * Cost of Up gradation *
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Flexibility of the company

How it take decision :
When we think of take decision by using data ware house, we usually go through four main function of data ware house. They are : * Storing the data * Data extraction

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