
Customer Service Issues In Salt Lake: Case Study

Decent Essays

• Elizabeth sent a complaint saying she never got a response to her question about a cat she found in her back yard. As noted in her record, Estelle did send her a response so it is possible it went into her spam folder. I sent Elizabeth an apology letter for not receiving her response, as it is possible it went into her spam folder. Actually, Elizabeth is lucky she got a personalized letter from Estelle instead of the CAA canned response; although, I did not say that in my email.

• Barry Gaddis contacted us because he wanted to know if he could live on the property and volunteer for Best Friends. I explained to Barry that everyone is welcome to volunteer, but we do not provide onsite living facilities. I then sent him all of our visiting …show more content…

The complaint was about two different incidences with volunteers and one was an employee. Heidi was very nice, and I reassured her I would convey her concerns to a manager in Salt Lake. I got a hold of Lydia, the visiting and volunteer manager to make her aware of the issue. Lydia wanted to know if she needed to reach out to Heidi, which I told her was entirely up to her, but I didn’t think it was of urgency because I was able to calm Heidi down and she told me that these issues would not stop her from volunteering her time in the future. Her main concern was making use aware of some of the issue.

• Dian Pell reached to us because she wanted to know if we would tell her who adopted and what city the Gap was located. Gap is a dog we adopted out to a couple in 2006. She wanted to know because she knew that dog was in New York and she wanted if his home was close to her. I thanked her for her love and compassion for Gap, but explained that due to our privacy policies, I would not be able release the exact location of the dog and his family. Although, I did let her know that we heard from the family in 2012, on Gap’s 7th Birthday to let us know that he is happy and

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