
Critique Steps (Understanding Quantitative Research)

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CRITIQUE STEPS (understanding quantitative research):
Brink and Wood (1994), and Burnes and Groves (1997), similarly describe the steps for quantitative nursing research process and methods. The authors include not only the basic steps to conduct nursing studies, but also translating the studies into articles for publication. According to Burnes & Groves (1997), and Hamric and Spross (1992), the quantitative research method is used to describe or gain more information, test relationships, examine cause and effect relationships, and uses numeric data to "answer" problems. The following is a basic outline of what is included in nursing research study, and what you should critique a study for:
1. Purpose
a. Usually found …show more content…

a. Dependent variable-Response, behavior, or outcome the researcher wants to explain.
b. Independent variable-The treatment or experimental variable manipulated by the researcher to create an effect on the dependent variable.
NOTE: One easy way of differentiating between these variables is to remember that independent means standing alone, and dependent means relying on something. Don 't let statistics scare you! If you are a novice at article critique, work on being able to find the sample adequately represented in an included table, chart or graph. Take small steps!
5. Findings/Nursing Implications/ Conclusions:
a. The findings and conclusions should be relevant, useable, and generated from the study.
b. Suspect bias if questionable generalizability, sample defect, or weak design.
NOTE: Don 't expect perfection! Every report might offer something useful, ideas you can use, improve, or develop!
Remember that all research is subject to a critique. But until you, the reader have critiqued the report, you have no way of knowing if the study is based on good, systematic research principles. Follow the above outline next time you read a nursing research article. Jot down the outline headings (purpose, sample, methods, data analysis, and nursing implications). And find the content from the article you chose to read. For the first couple of studies, critique the article backwards and forwards. This is time well spent because you

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