
Conformity Vs. Conformity Theory

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Conformity theory is used to explain why people eat bugs, smoke cigarettes, enjoy boring tasks, following trending wardrobe styles, and under appreciate enticing options (Jones & Mills, 1999). These tactics are performed in an effort to maintain consistent views among group members and reduce the number of attitude conflicts and tension (Matz & Wood, 2005). Conformity will be defined as changing one’s own response to be consistent with other group member’s responses (Asch, 1955b). Asch’s work supports the notion that people will change their views and behaviors in order to fit in with a group. They may even go as far as to express a clearly wrong response if those around them are in agreement (Asch, 1956). While research has shown short-term conformity effects; there are few studies that look at the lasting changes that follow the act of conforming. The goal of this study is to see if conformity expressed in groups can translate into private acceptance that will be carried on after the initial study is conducted.
Prior studies have shown that in a group environment there are two main drives; the need of an individual to belong, and the need for organization among the group (Asch, 1955a). An individual’s need for approval and intimacy from those they are closest to is linked to the fact that approval has to come before any social bond can be formed and maintained (Baumeister & Leary, 1995). Human beings are social creatures by nature with an intense need to belong.

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