
Computer Programming : The First Computer Program

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Computer Programming 01001101 11010010 11001011, Computer programming may sound complicated, but once anyone gets used to it, it is easy to understand. People every day use an electronic device to get tasks done. Those electronics are told what to do when they input a problem or command. To receive a clarification of what Computer Programming is, it is necessary to experience it. It is key to have programmers in this world; programmers have to deal with the complicated parts of the computer. They should be credited for the work they promote on an everyday level. People depend on technology to live because they have learned to adapt to that which is illustrated in everyday lives, History, and soon to be the future. In 2500 B.C., The Abacus was the only mechanical device that existed for numerical computation at the beginning of human history; it was invented in Sumeria Circa around that time period (Wikipedia 1). It was designed to find the answer to a math problem. The First computer program was written for the Analytical Engine by Mathematician Ada Lovelace to calculate a sequence of Bernoulli numbers (Wikipedia 3).Time passed, and devices were made so programming could start to evolve. Computer languages were first composed of a series of steps to wire a particular program: these advanced into a series of steps keyed into the computer then executed. (Ferguson 3) “At this point so far programming has not reached to a computer just yet, but later will be unveiled as

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