
Comparing Prince Hal and Henry's Models of Statescraft

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Comparing Prince Hal and Henry's Models of Statescraft To compare the difference between King Henry and Prince Hal's style of statecraft, first we have to understand the basic philosophy of each. The King belives that to effectively lead the country one needs to lead by example. According to the King's philosophy the best man is the one who lives a pure life and garners respect and honor from all men. To the King's way of thinking Hotspur is more fit to be a King than Prince Hal, a comparison the King makes several times. In Act I, scene i King Henry makes his first comparison of Hotspur to his son saying that Lord Northumberland's son, Hotspur, was "A son who is the theme of honour's tongue ..." while Prince Hal was stained by "...riot …show more content…

Prince Hal is going to become an impressive figure to the common man but because of the way he lived previously he will also be able to relate to the common man and thus better govern. The second reason why it was good for Hal to behave the way he did is one of self-preservation. King Henry complained that Hal was not like Hotspur, always seeking glory in battle and commanding respect from men twice his age but if Hal had been like Hotspur I think King Henry would have felt threatened. I think that most Kings must fear their successors to some degree. If Hal had been like Hotspur I believe King Henry would have always been looking over his shoulder worried that Hal might try to speed Henry's demise so that he could assume the throne. To protect himself Henry might have made Hal's life miserable perhaps had him placed effectively under house arrest or even killed if the paranoia went far enough. Because Hal played the errant prince he posed no threat to the King, indeed he showed no care for courtly duties at all. It was wise for Hal to put himself in a non-threatening position until such a time as the King needed him to take a stronger role. Because Hal took up his role as heir apparentat the King's request the King had no reason to feel threatened by it. The differences between Hal's model of statecraft and that of the King are not great. Hal's model is merely a refined version of the King's and in its slight differences it is a better version

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