
Certified Nursing Assistant: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Nikki Morgan of Stamps, AR, a Certified Nursing Assistant, was asked do being a Cna get boring. She responded with “no”. When asked do she enjoy helping people she replied “yes I love helping others”. Ms. Morgan was asked how often she has breaks, she replied “every four hours for ten minutes”. I then asked Ms. Nikki what is the worst cold a patient could receive she replied “Chest cold”. I followed this question up with when did you realize you wanted to be in the nursing field her response was “when I was in high school just the thought of helping someone was awesome”. She was asked would you rather be a nurse in the nursing home or the hospital she replied “the nursing home”. Nikki was asked what inspired you to become a cna she responded “the fact that I love helping the elderly inspired …show more content…

Morgan was asked if she could have another chance to get a degree what would it be in she responded “Bachelor of Business Administration”. Nikki was asked how she deals with difficult coworkers she replied “I stay civilized through my work hours and avoid them”. She was asked have she worked with clients or patients who were hard to deal with she said “yes I have had to work with a bunch of difficult patients”. I asked her what do you think are the qualities that make a good cna she replied “Hardworking and dedicated towards work, Caring and supportive, Responsible”. Ms. Morgan was asked what you would do if a patient refused to let you administer care “when a patient refuses nursing care, nurses respond by giving information until the patient finally accedes to the procedure”. She was asked if a patient in her charge fell down what would she do she said “get help immediately to get them up”. The final question of the day that I asked her was do you think you will get emotionally attached to the patients and are you emotionally attached. She responded “Yes and yes”. We then ended the interview with her saying she was very happy to be able to answer these questions for

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