
Case Study: Yamato Transport

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Yamato Transport is door-to-door parcel delivery service. Yamato Transport also known as TA-Q-BIN. TA-Q-BIN has become a main social infrastructure by generating more convenient lifestyles through advanced logistics systems. TA-Q-BIN meaning is ‘personal express delivery’. TA-Q-BIN comes from Japanese word which is Yamato Transport is one of the top Japan's leading logistics specialist covering an arrangement of transport services under the Yamato Group company. Yamato Transport formed in 1919. Also known as 'Takkyubin' in Japan, the company made a decision to re-create itself as 'TA-Q-BIN' to fulfill global logistics and customer requirement. (TA-Q-BIN About Us, 2011) Figure 1 : Warehouse Design

In order to design 21st century innovative warehouse and necessary steps that Yamato Transport must carry out to achieve highest efficiency was always improved technology, productivity and sustainability of the company. They are the main driving factors to ensure all the transaction runs smoothly. (Dragan, 2016)

Running out of storage space is the one of the …show more content…

All warehouse and logistic company strives to improve its operational efficiency to ensure all transaction runs smoothly. Technology and materials handling revolution have become significant catalysts in the evolution of smarter and efficient warehouses. Yamato Transport needs to leverage technology that can give them access to actionable information that can be used in real-time. Identify whether workers needs to have access to mobile technology such as smartphones or other technology. In addition, software solutions also can give warehouse administrators a outlook of customers, orders and inventory, as well as computerize warehouse processes effectively. (Dragan,

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