
Capitalism Vs Capitalism

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Considering the way in which people live their lives these days, it can be noted that they are not living a balanced life; if a balanced life is to be considered as the life which includes both capitalistic involvement and family-time in equal portions . Every average-individual favors a capitalistic world, and this desire brings many complications which result in unbalanced lifestyles. That is mainly because capitalism requires time dedication which people willingly dedicate, and this obstructs the gateway to the balanced life. Hence, people are unable to spend an equal amount of time with their families as they are at their workplace. Families and friends can provide the people with genuine-happiness and a stress-free environment, the two factors that capitalism fails in providing even if the people, like Adam Gopnik, love the career life they’re living. people’s minds are soaked with the idea that capitalism will lead them to success, to living the life they want in the future, so they continue to become an active part of the capitalistic world. However, although capitalism rewards the people with money, which is the number one concern for many, it fails in rewarding the people with a balanced lifestyle. Due to the increasing interest in joining the capitalistic life, individuals believe successful capitalists have to be very productive and so they spend hours and hours of their valuable time putting their maximum effort in becoming successful capitalists. Readings from

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