
Black American Justice System

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The Justice System Hinders Black Americans More Than Slavery Slavery is a taboo and often neglected subject in the American education system. It is occasionally brought up throughout the year, only to be explained in “depth” in February during black history month. These events have disfranchised the black American to a level of sub-humanity that has never been seen before. The way that black Americans have been disfranchised after slavery has destroyed the black psyche even worse than slavery has. During slavery, the African had no choice but to accept their subhuman status. Freedom was a slave’s main priority and/or aspiration; it was something that was often discussed on a day to day manner. Although it was a central topic, Slaves …show more content…

On paper blacks were made equal to Caucasians, but in practice, they received and continue to receive a subpar education, less funding for their education, a high rate of police brutality and murder and other socioeconomic disadvantages. Even after being freed, African-American men and women were systematically denied the opportunity to vote. Laws that worked against blacks were upheld in most states and successfully executed what slave owners attempted to do with the Black Codes, Jim crow laws, and many other “laws” that were in place for one sole purpose- to prevent African-Americans from exercising their constitutional rights. The Black Codes were a set of laws that criminalized legal activity for African Americans and provided a glimpse of what was to come, in regards to the arrest and mass imprisonment of newly freed blacks, which caused the rate of African Americans prisoners to exceed that of whites for the first …show more content…

With slavery, African Americans were conditioned to accept their status as "other”. Whites made no effort to hide their disdain for black people. In this new system however, African Americans were given the illusion that they were free, so they resisted speaking out on such inequality due to the fact that they were told that they should be grateful for their freedom. The current system works so that since birth, African Americans, males in particular, are pushed towards aggression and dysfunction. The family life of the disadvantage and poor which primarily feature African Americans has become dramatically more complex and unstable over the last few decades. In 2010, 72% of black children were born to single unwed mother and many of these fathers are incarcerated (Newsone, 2010). Minorities are also given harsher time for petty crimes than their Caucasian counterparts, which also increases the time away from their children. There are more black men that are in prison or jail, on probation or on parole than were enslaved in 1850 (Alexander, 2010). And black men suffer a disproportional rate drug arrests that often do not reflect higher rates of black drug offenses. In fact, whites and blacks engage in drug offenses, including possession and sales at roughly comparable

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