
Essay on Ashford Soc 304 Discussions

Better Essays

Week 1- Dis 1
After reading Chapter 3 in your textbook, address the following: a. Discuss the differences between activity theory and disengagement theory. b. Compare and contrast one of the other theories mentioned in the chapter (i.e., modernization, exchange theory, subcultural theory of aging, etc.) to activity theory and disengagement theory. c. Discuss how the theory that you selected differs from the activity and disengagement theories of aging. d. Contact a person who would fall into one of the categories of old age (i.e., young old, middle old, or oldest old) and interview them about how their lives have changed since they reached the milestone of being an older adult. In your post, include a brief synopsis of …show more content…

How have the social and demographic changes of the last century led to the increased growth and aging of the population? Be sure to discuss this in terms of the demographic transition theory.
How do you expect the current worldwide economic downturn that was discussed in Chapter 2 of your textbook to impact those living in this era? Be sure to explain how this event is expected to influence the life course of the young old, the middle old, and the oldest old.
The social and demographic changes of the last century led to the increased growth and aging of the population by transitioning and evolving with time. Back in the 19th and early 20th century, the world was not as advanced as it now. We now have better medicines, vaccines, technology, health care and opportunities to seek assistance.
In my current role as a Regional Facilitator Supervisor with the SC JUMMP (Jobs Upfront Mean More Pay) Program, I have first-hand experience with individuals who have been negatively impacted by the current world economic downturn. The SC JUMMP Program tailors to individuals who applied for FI also known as welfare. The participants are referred to our program by DSS. We then provided orientation and assessments to each participant. We have them complete a series of questions to rate their skills in comparisons to the current workforce industries. We then have them attended 30 hours of job readiness workshop to assist them with gaining

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